

with Bioengineers.

Going on a voyage


with Bioengineers.

 The 21st century is the era of Bioengineering. The 19th century was the age of chemistry, and the 20th century was the age of physics. In the 19th century, the concept of elements was established, and most of the elements in the periodic table were discovered, supporting the progress of the Industrial Revolution. The 20th century saw the discovery of electrons, leading to the rapid industrialization driven by advancements in physics, enriching our lives. Now, in the 21st century, expectations for biology are increasing with the development of regenerative medicine represented by iPS or stem cells, genome sequencing, gene therapy techniques, and immunology. There is also a belief that these biological advancements will progress further with the sophistication of information technology.

 Human DNA consists of about 3 billion base pairs per cell, with approximately 23,000 genes, and it is said that there are over 10 million species on Earth. Organisms function through the complex interplay of these vast elements. Biology, which handles this enormous amount of information, would not have advanced significantly without advanced information technology.

 Today, the 21st century is witnessing the astonishingly rapid development of information science and technology, providing us with the opportunity to explore the vast ocean of biology using these advanced technologies as our tools. At BEC, we aim to navigate this ocean alongside “Bioengineers,” pioneering new frontiers.

Vision 2030

Vision 2030

We support 100 “Bioengineers” who bring innovation through medical AI/DX, regenerative medicine, and basic research.



CEO | Partner

Yuki Shimahara, Ph.D.

When I was in high school, I loved cars and dreamed of becoming a 21st-century automotive engineer, utilizing autonomous driving and next-generation fuels. However, my perspective changed when I saw an article about the discovery of iPS cells on the front page of the newspaper. I was struck by the realization that the 21st century is the era of bioengineering. This belief remains unchanged, and dedicating my life to pioneering this field became my mission. Through research, employment, and entrepreneurship, I eventually established a fund. Even now, while maintaining my role as a businessperson, I sail alongside aspiring entrepreneurs, progressing together toward new ventures.


Yuzo Kumakiri

 The field of life sciences is an incredibly dynamic and influential area where technological advancements directly impact human health and well-being. We aim to work alongside entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas and technologies in this field, helping to develop them into feasible solutions that provide value to society. Our fund is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs who strive to maximize the potential of life sciences to improve human health and welfare.

Executive Officer

Coming soon. …

coming this Aug.


Coming soon. …

coming this Aug.


Collaboration with Academia

We collaborate with Tokyo Medical and Dental University and various academic societies to implement unique entrepreneurial support education. We provide hands-on guidance to researchers and healthcare professionals aspiring to start their own ventures.


We will also raise funds from healthcare professionals, medical device vendors, and various experts. BEC members and the entire community will provide thorough hands-on support to entrepreneurs. We will make direct investments as needed.

Group Collaboration

Through close collaboration with related companies via acquisitions and subsidiaries (announcement coming soon), we will support entrepreneurs and business growth across the entire group.


Coming soon…

coming this July


Nihonbashi Muromachi Mitsui Tower 7th Floor
3-2-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022, Japan

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